Idee Fixee

dir. Andrew Bell

Starring Tony Torn

My Credit: Production Designer

This is a really cool looking film, half of it shot in Philadelphia's famous and sadly derelict Uptown Theater. We set out to create moments from three seminal Orson Welles films, The Third Man, Chimes at Midnight and Touch of Evil. I can't say enough about the work of the DP. It was accept into Cannes shorts corner. 

Digital Antiquities

Dir. JP Chan Starring Joy Mei and Corey Hawkins (Straight out of Compton's Dre, Walking Dead, 24) 

My Credit: Production Designer

Written and directed by J.P. Chan By 2036, data loss has become a thing of the past. All digital media is instantly uploaded to the internet and permanently stored in the cloud, safely backed-up on servers scattered around the world. Only a handful of small businesses in the world have the expertise to recover data from pre-cloud devices.

Part of the  series this short was a real challenge for the art department. A sci-fi on a budget featuring a tunnel into a giant techno dump.


The Way I Remember It

written and produced by Joe Bacal

My Credit: Production Designer

Joe is the nephew of the fantastic Lauren and this film is a wander through the decades from post war NYC to present day nursing home. The challenge of different era's for the art department made this a fun film to work on. It played the Big Apple Festival/







Written and directed by Todd Holmes

Short film that went to Cannes Shorts Corner was an intimate piece that the director made to honor the films of Sagit Ray. The child actor and the sensitivity that everyone bought to this film really made it something extra-ordinary.

Fast and Reliable


Dexter Benjamin is an urban legend and an inspiration to us all. This little film puts a smile on anybody's face. It received the Against the Odds Awards from in 2005 and was mentioned by Michael Eisner (ex-head of Disney) as one of his favorite pieces of nontraditional content that year.

Made with Sean Morrison of New York Films 




Harmattan Theatre Group

A dance performance by Harmattan Theater using students from SVA along with their dancers. Shot on 14 st in NYC

I have collaborated on films several times with Harmattan Theater and their director May Joseph, and I'm thrilled to be included by such a dedicated group of performers and educators.






Bumblebee Bob

One Minute Time Lapse video. My dad has Alzheimer's. We are enjoying him while we've got him.